As a student arriving in the Netherlands, you are advised to open a Dutch bank account for the following reasons:

  • Most stores, markets and online stores in the Netherlands do not accept Visa or Mastercards.
  • Splitting a bill is common practice in the Netherlands and this is done via the Tikkie app. Tikkies can be sent or settled only with a Dutch bank account
  • If you intend to work or in the Netherlands, you will need a bank account to pay for your health insurance. Most health insurance providers require you to have a Dutch bank account in order to apply.

The perfect bank for you as an incoming student is ABN AMRO for the following reasons:

  • A free bank account with a free debit card, internet and mobile banking.
  • Easy setup of a bank account via mobile in just 5 mins
  • The Grip app by ABN AMRO can provide you crucial insights into your income and expenses to help with planning of your finances

It could be also be overwhelming and scary to not be able to have a bank account until you receive your BSN number for your municipality. ABN AMRO has made onboarding without a BSN number possible this year.

Moreover, in order to make your student life in the Netherlands peaceful, it is recommended that you also purchase a student insurance from ABN AMRO which is very affordable. The student insurance offers the following options:

  • Personal liability insurance
  • Home Contents insurance
  • Optional: Accident insurance


A student insurance purchased before the 1st of October 2023 will allow the student to claim a refund for the annual premium.

Choose the options below to know more!